Saturday, June 14, 2008

First Post!!!!

I just got home from the Summer Kick Off Party at RSBS and I'm already sad that I won't be seeing Brandon for almost to weeks!!!! =( [ FYI I've almost drank two two-liters of Mountain Dew and I'm almost out] Oh well, I guess I'll get over it. I have football camp on the 22nd, so I'm trynig to enjoy these last precious days off my life, drink all the Dew I possibly can without putting myself in the hospital, and praying to God that He will consume the camp with fire and brimstone, saving me from certain death. Righ now I'm suppposed to be looking up hotels for my family's vacation right now, so I'm pretty bored. E-mail me at if you get the chance. Now that my first post is coming to a end, I'll keave you with an inspirational quote.

"Life is like Dew. Chill for best results."

-Colton Pomeroy


dominique sambrano said...

wow colton you got a blog.. and it is pretty much just the same as brandons .. mt dew-ified... but i think that brandons looks cooler . offense =]

Brandon said...

ya right colton's is way better than mine! i'm gonna post now so look at mine!

vAdA said...

Nice! Our blogging group is getting bigger by the minute!! YESSS! lol. Well, nice, but I have to agree that brandons is pretty much way better! lol......Nice quote! ttyl.

Brooke said...

WOW!! You are so weird!!! But I am glad that you joined out blogging club, like Vada said it is getting bigger by the minute!! Hope you can continue this blogging thing longer than some one else all of us know!!!

dominique sambrano said...

wait who is that...?nathan?

Brooke said...

Yes Dominique, hes been a loser and hasn't posted in about a month!! Colton, why did you give out your eamil address??

vAdA said...

Ya, Nathan is pretty much a hobo!! lol! Ya, hopefully you dont end up doing what he did! lol. Well, ill ttyl!

vAdA said... long is ur football camp??

emmajess said...

welcome to the bloggers! ppl with no lives so instead the spend all day on the computer! o yeah! jk! c u l8r!