Friday, June 27, 2008

Back From Camp...... ALIVE!!!!

That's right. I'm back. (sry Domi-Do-Do!!!) Not only did I survive, I owned those big muscular (but not near as muscular as me) fools! One time, when I caught the ball, I ran over six kids and sent them off to the sideline crying like little girls and cussing like sailors! =D

Best of all they had Mountain Dew at every meal!

God also showed me alot this week at camp. There was a pop machine in our dorm, but it was

OUT OF MOUNTAIN DEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then I was reading the Bible and I saw the "ask and you will recieve" verse,so I prayed for Mountain Dew for about an hour. Then, with a dollar in hand, I ran to the pop machine and slammed the Mountain Dew button. I was filled with joy when I heared the bottle roll out the bottom of the machine. My teammates told me that while I was praying, a guy came and filled up the machine with Dew!!! God is so good!!!! See ya 2morrow!


dominique sambrano said...

hahahahaha god sent dew yeah rite.... and i dont think that you killed all of them. i think that you twisted the story around and you were the little girl... haha jk but i still dont believe you... but anyways DONT FORGET YOUR PAPERS FOR RIVERSIDE TOMORROW!!!!!!!! and take the stupid verification thing off !! or ill have to break into your blog thing and take it off. and yes i have ways of doing that =] see you tomorrow

dominique sambrano said...

oh and you did not spell my nick name right

vAdA said...

Wow, u survived?? God MUST be good. lol jk. Any major inguries??Geez boy, you are OBBSESSSED!!! Like no other! Was that all you were thinking about at camp??...Mountain Dew?? Well, I have to agree with Dom, i think you may have twisted that story up a LOT!! lol.
Ya, dont forget ur papers!! Youll need those! Most Deff!! Well, I will c u in the morning!!