Sunday, August 17, 2008

ITS GONE!!!!!!!! All Gone!!!!

Hours of anticipation quickly turned to grief yesterday afternoon. After making our way through the heart of downtown Portland, we pulled up to the Ducks store only to find the posters of Donald Duck with a suitcase that said, "We've Moved!". I was in the back of my dad's truck so I didn't believe him at first. Then he pulled forward and I saw that it was true!! Then there was another sign that said, "Don't worry, we're just across town!!" Across town!!?!!?!!?!! ITS PORTLAND!!!!!!!!! It mght as well be the entire state!!!! So of course my dad says "Well now we can go to Fort Vancouver!!!!" As we drove by on the highway there was no one there but we went anyway. The reason there was no one there was that it was 102 outside, and in Portaqlnd thats quite abit hotter. Even the ticket takers laughed at us. After walking around for about an hour we went to our favorite pizza place in Vancouver! They had a new internet jukebox there with a little music quiz game. I got high score!!!! yeah!!!! Well, I'm about to head off to a BBQ, see ya Wednesday!!!


vAdA said...

Geez...i thought it was really hot here. Yesterday it said it was 108...but still! Hot is HOT!! Well, are you going to Youth VBS?? ttyl.

emmajess said...

sry the duck store moved! that stinks!! well hope u hav fun anyways! ttyl!

dominique sambrano said...

a duck store.. thats so cool. yeah on my trip it was really hot too

vAdA said... need to post...!!!!