Sunday, July 27, 2008


I'm leaving for my grandma's in Boise today!!! I'm so excited!!! In couple of days I'll be in Sun River laying around in the pool all day, drinking something other than Dew!!! Today we're gonna go mini-golfing with my grandparents and my great aunt and maybe go to a water park!!! Today's gonna be great cuz I woke of this morning and I had the whole bad to myself!!! Brick was on the floor asleep. He said I stole all the covers and wouln't give them back so he slept on the floor!!!! hahaha =] We're almost home and I'm so excited!!! I'll be back August 1st, just in time for Bible School!!! =[ I'm really sad cuz we ran out of Dew. Yesterday we had a long drive and we drank it all!! =[ It's probably God thing. That post from yesterday was pretty creepy and I need to stop. I think I can Dew it. Haha Dew it.... O gosh. I really neeed help.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Well I was at Mc Donalds eating dinner and I wished that they had Mountain Dew so I prayed and asked God to make there be Dew instead of Coke. When I was done praying I ran over to the fountain. It was still Coke. I started mixing stuff together. Two squirts of Hi-C, seven suirts of lemonade and the rest Sprite. I took a drink and it tasted exactly like Dew!!!!! It was orange so I knew that normally wouldn't taste like Dew (cuz Dew is a beautiful yellowish-green color) Today I expierianced a modern-day-miracle. If God can do this (make Coke taste like Dew) He can do anything. I know I can put my trust in Him.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Vacation Pics!!!

My family just left Yellowstone yesterday and made the 10 hour drive to Rapid City, South Dakota to see Mt. Rushmore. The most exciting thing that happened so far is that we got stuck in a traffic jam on our way to Rapid City so I don't really have much to say. Hope you like the picutres! (especially the one of the guy wearing a Mt Dew shirt)Leave some comments plz!! See you soon!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Camp Pics!!

Camp was a blast!! I learned alot about God and grew alot closer to Him this week. Now it's time to head off on "vacation" tomorrow morning at 5 am and drive to Wyoming. Fun. I know God will give me the chance to show patience with my family these next to weeks, and hopefully with God's help I'll be able to do the right thing and be kind, even when I don't feel like it. Hopefully I'll be able to blog every once and a while and show you some pics of my familes big trip!!


Saturday, July 12, 2008

I'm Quitting Dew Forever (SERIOUSLY)

I've been thinking alot toda about how much I love Dew. I really don't know what would happen when I actually get to about a month without Dew. It's gonna be scary. I was thinking about Brandon today when he tried to drown himself cuz there was no more Dew.I know he was kidding, bt I felt terrible at camp cuz I had to go without Dew for a wee. Just a week, thats really not that long isn't it? I should be able to go that long but I can't. I need it. I just want it anymore. I NEED IT. And that's what scares me. Instead of focusing on basketball, all I could think about was how much longer it would be til I could drink another Dew and how I wish this crappy Gatorade was Dew, and how this jelly bean tasted so much like Dew. (Did you know they made those??) Or when I'm at church during Sunday school and instead of listening to Randall I'm staring at that person across from me savoring that cold, delicious Dew and I want so badly to just leave the class and go get a Dew. i can just go to Sunday school and not even think about God at all until Randall asks me to close the class with a prayer. During the sermon, instead of listening to the sermon I'll find ever piece of blank paper I can get my hands on and draw Dew logo after Dew logo after Dew logo. There's something wrong with me. At times Dew is my god and that's just freakin' retarded. God has really convicted me and I need to quit. If any of you catch me taking abot Dew in a positive wa slap me across the face. I'll thank you later. If any of you catch me drinking a Dew, take it away, no matter how hard I fight. I need it. I know this will be hard so I need your prayers. I knw I've siad this before, but this time I mean it. Help me out. Thx.

-Colton, a recovering Dewaholic

Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm Back!

Sry if i ruined all the Brick is sad that I came home. I'm glad he loves me so much Camp was absolutely terrible cuz all the coaches hate Mountain Dew and gave me big talks on what it does to my body. =[ ( yucky) =[ It's all lies.Luckily, this camp was really easy and we just sat around drinking Gatorade and played a game every once and awhile. I'm so glad to be home! I'm sick of basketball and ready for Youth Camp! See ya 2morrow!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

bored with nothing else to do

this is brick. im really bored and colton hs one of the worst passwords ever, some im is actually more boring than it looks......probably why i dont hve my own........

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Off to Camp!!! (again =[ )

Now that I'm home from Riverside and I'm finally enjoying my time back at home!!! I just got back from seeeing Hancock with Brandon, Vada, and Andrea and it was AMAZING!!! A guy got his head shoved up another guys butt!!! (sry if I ruined anything for you. lol)Anywaze after that we went to Yokes to buy some Dew cuz the mean guy at the movies took our's away!!!!! (Meanie!!! =[ ) Now I'm off to Basketball camp in La Grande so I'll see you guys on Sunday!!!