Saturday, July 12, 2008

I'm Quitting Dew Forever (SERIOUSLY)

I've been thinking alot toda about how much I love Dew. I really don't know what would happen when I actually get to about a month without Dew. It's gonna be scary. I was thinking about Brandon today when he tried to drown himself cuz there was no more Dew.I know he was kidding, bt I felt terrible at camp cuz I had to go without Dew for a wee. Just a week, thats really not that long isn't it? I should be able to go that long but I can't. I need it. I just want it anymore. I NEED IT. And that's what scares me. Instead of focusing on basketball, all I could think about was how much longer it would be til I could drink another Dew and how I wish this crappy Gatorade was Dew, and how this jelly bean tasted so much like Dew. (Did you know they made those??) Or when I'm at church during Sunday school and instead of listening to Randall I'm staring at that person across from me savoring that cold, delicious Dew and I want so badly to just leave the class and go get a Dew. i can just go to Sunday school and not even think about God at all until Randall asks me to close the class with a prayer. During the sermon, instead of listening to the sermon I'll find ever piece of blank paper I can get my hands on and draw Dew logo after Dew logo after Dew logo. There's something wrong with me. At times Dew is my god and that's just freakin' retarded. God has really convicted me and I need to quit. If any of you catch me taking abot Dew in a positive wa slap me across the face. I'll thank you later. If any of you catch me drinking a Dew, take it away, no matter how hard I fight. I need it. I know this will be hard so I need your prayers. I knw I've siad this before, but this time I mean it. Help me out. Thx.

-Colton, a recovering Dewaholic


emmajess said...

WOW! that was deep! hope u can do it and i'll help by taking any dew of ur hands! jk! seriously though! c u soon!

vAdA said...

Wow.....i agree. That rele WAS deep! I totally thought you were kidding at first. But ok, ill help :). And they dont even have Dew at camp so that will help too! :). Sooo....i guess ill see u tomorrow morning!!!! :)

dominique sambrano said...

geezz that was deep.... yes now i have a reson to slap you.. jk... hope you get better.. and hopefully brandon will follow in your footsteps

vAdA said... have been "clean" for 3 hours?? Good job!! lol. jk. :P

dominique sambrano said...

you know maybe you should change your picture. cause theres dew in it

mr. colton said...

Good Idea. I'll take one real fast.

Brandon said...

i would not count on it dominique and i bought a cube of dew that i'm gonna bring to camp and i'm gonna wave it in front of your face until you cave then we're gonna drink and drink until we puke and then we'll die! and i bought B-ham dr. pepper cause its her birthday so see you guys tomorrow morning! and i'll have dew with me!

vAdA said...

NOO! Be strong Colton!!!! Well, im bringing Full Throttle....its not Mt. Dew so u can have some if u want!!....HA!....sry Brandon!!!.....

Brandon said...

no! colton is drinking dew and only dew! full throtle is yuky!

vAdA said...

No.....he gave up Mt. Dew!! Just like U SHOULD!! lol. But seriously there is something WRONG WITH YOU IF YOU THINK THAT FULL THROTTLE IT "YUKY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need help................>:(

vAdA said...
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vAdA said...

OK, what in the world did u write on my camp shirt??

mr. colton said...

Nthing..... The ink ran out remember???

dominique sambrano said...

omgosh... i cant believe you put that pic on..... grrrrr!!!! well i changed my adress to so yeah